Distribution manager system

DMS.ONE Viettel is a a comprehensive solution to manage the distribution system online by VIETTEL that can be applied to: Manufacturers - Distributors - Agents - Retails

Activity Model

Using the DMS.ONE system, the distributor provides information about: customer, products, promotions, and import export goods for staff saleman who providing goods to retailers such as supermarkets, stores, agency, grocery… under the supervision of sales supervisors. The customer’s orders, images and problems are always updated in real time. This distribution model will make your sale become faster, more exactly, more effective and easier to manage.



Field of application

Food, consumption

Pharmaceuticals, health


Beverages, soft drinks

Electronic refrigeration

Sanitary equipment

Supervision Warranty, maintenance

Monitoring Protection

Typical customers


Account creation fee for a business is only 2.000.000 VNĐ
The above prices do not include the device price (Smartphone, Tablet) and 3G service fee
Manage, monitor the location of saleman
Manage saleman on the map, roadmap, and sale route
Visit customer and outlet
Report the roadmap, working time of saleman
Report the visitation to customer
Manage the list of product in stock, the promotion
Creat, approve, manage the order
Statistics the sale revenue sorted by staff, route, team, product
Other advanced functions to increase the turnover of the business
3 months / user 240.000 VNĐ 450.000 VNĐ
6 months / user 420.000 VNĐ 780.000 VNĐ
12 months / user 720.000 VNĐ 1.200.000 VNĐ

Whenever get a problem in using DMS.ONE system, do not hesitate to call Hotline 18008000 (branch 6) for further supportation.
However, in some cases, DMS.ONE may refuse.…
  + Can not connect to the Internet
  + The printer can not print or be misaligned

To log in account on Tablet/ Smartphone:
+ Contact admin of your company to reset passwordmật khẩu
+ Process as follow:
  - Log in your companyS admin account on website.
  - Choose Category -> Map of unit.
  - Enter the ID should be reseted password at the domain "Searching Information".
  - Click icon to reset the first default password
To log in account on Website:
  + Contact admin to reset password (similar to Tablet/ Smartphone)

DMS.ONE supports customer the best on FireFox. Should you access this link: https://www.mozilla.org/vi/firefox/new/ to download and install the latest FireFox version.

To Android operating system:
 + When program be started, displaying the notification:
   - “This program has the most recent version, would you like to update or not? ”
   -  Select the button "Accept": So that the program automatically download the newest version.

+ Check the Wifi/3 G connection already or not?
+ Whether using Wifi or 3G, if Wifi used then require an exchange to 3G, check internet data is avaiable or not by calling to *101# or *102# to check the balance of data capacity or cash value in the account. If balance is empty, system requests saleman recharges for continuos using.
+ Checking GPS is turned on or off?
   - Refer to function "Setting", select "Locating service", then click the first section "Use wireless network, use GPS satellite"
+ In case of not due to above reason, please call to support team for timely supportation.

The reason might be one of these:
 - Case 1: The order has just been placed, it spends 3 minutes to be automatically trasmissive to system or click the button "Update" in the righ corner of screen.
 - Case 2: Tablet/ Smartphone is not internet connected so that data couldnt be transmissive to system -> Back to guidence 5.
 - Case 3: If not due to two reasons above, call to consultant team to be supported.

+ User usually open lots of application to learn about or get entertainment, in that session the system is not logged out, thus it is still in stand by mode.
+ Saleman dont amuse themselves within workingtime. In the time of Tablet/ Smartphone using, it is allowed for just DMS.ONE accessing only. + Instruct the saleman to log out all other applications when they are browsed by click button "Back" instead of the button "Home".
+ Instruct the saleman use the "Task management" browser to delete the memory to optimize the storage for Tablet/ Smartphone during the sale:
  - Phase 1: Open the "Task management" browser, click the arrow icon at the middle corner in the bottom of screen to quickly open applications. Select " Task Manager".
  - Phase 2: Close all other applications which is still running on, or select "RAM Management" to delete memory. (Please notice if DMS.ONE is opened, it is closed also when memory is deleted).
+ In case of Tablet/ Smart is hung up, saleman need keep waiting and then restart the device.